Webinar: Fathers’ Vital Contribution to Improving the Health & Safety of Mothers and Newborns
Speaker Bio
Since 2006, Dr. Elena McEwan has served as the Senior Technical Adviser in Maternal and Child Health and the technical backstop to maternal and child health projects for Catholic Relief Services. Her primary purpose is to provide global leadership to CRS’ maternal and child health programming. She also coordinates and provides technical support to CRS’ awarded MCH grants. More specifically she provides technical assistance to develop the Detailed Implementation Plans, Social and Behavior Change Strategies, Evaluations and Operations Research. She also represents CRS’ MCH portfolio in global forums such as the GAVI Alliance and the CoreGroup.
This HerDignity Network webinar features Catholic Relief Services’ project, “The health of the family is also men’s work”. It is transforming communities through the education of fathers. Pregnant women are at risk of poor prenatal care and abuse which impacts safe delivery and newborn health. Through life-affirming education and training, men are gaining new appreciation for pregnant wives and actively supporting them during pregnancy and with their newborn babies. This model may be adapted across cultural boundaries.