All of her health. For all of her life.
Guiding Principles
Her Dignity Network was founded around these Guiding Principles.
- We affirm that we are motivated first and foremost by the love of Christ.
- The combination of the commitment to the integrity and full moral status of the human being throughout the lifespan, the belief that every human being is created in the image of God, and the importance of care for the whole person are foundational to every aspect of the engagement of Her Dignity Network.
- We affirm the integrity and full moral status of the human being throughout his or her lifespan. We believe that the moral status of a human being is not based on an arbitrary point in human development or any realization of supposed potential, rather the integrity of the human being in its determination as a moral entity is established from fertilization and continues unabated to his or her death.
- Every human being is made in the image of God, and has special value and dignity. A fundamental belief of Her Dignity Network is that every human being regardless of capability, age, gender, ethnicity, race, etc. is uniquely created in the image of God and thus has special value and dignity.
- We affirm the importance of care for the whole person, as a physical, emotional, and spiritual being. Neglect of any aspect diminishes the integrity of the whole person and inhibits their individual and communal flourishing.
- No human being shall be the object of exploitation or discrimination. As individuals equally created in the image of God and thus equally worthy of respect and dignity, Her Dignity Network resists impulses to objectify and commodify human beings. Furthermore, no human being should be denied healthcare services based solely on their sex.
- We have an unwavering commitment to the highest standards of credible research. We are committed to the pursuit of truth, not the perpetuation of ideological agendas, even when it is intellectually inconvenient. We believe that credible research leads to education that is essential to improving the lives of individuals and transforming communities.